Friday, March 2, 2012

Oh yeah, School...

First week of school=success! Already been to the library twice for some long reading sessions. Australian's are pretty serious about this whole college thing. They specialize from their first year and do not have to take "core" classes like we do. I am taking Ethics, Children's Literature, Australian History and Society, Sociology of Health and Illness, and Modern Theater. My favorite class so far is probably Children's Lit, although I think it is going to be difficult because it is a 300 level class. The theater class is a joke. Everybody in it is actually a theater major and enjoys acting. All us Americans thought it was going to be the study of theater...not the study of theater plus acting and performing...Not really my thing. All of my classes and tutorials are on Monday and Tuesday, besides Australian History on Friday mornings. Wednesday and Thursdays have become mid-week weekends which is great because Wednesday is a big night to go out here. As for the weekend, I am sick so I'm taking it easy and not going out. Tomorrow's plans are to lay out at the beach, do a little swimming, and get some reading done for school. Later we are taking the train into Perth and going to King's Park, which is the largest park within city limits, and watching the sunset. There are also plans to go out for dinner and Perth and try Kangaroo! Sunday we might take part in Sunday Sesh and go to Cottesloe. Australians drink ALL day Sunday, every Sunday. And since Monday is a public holiday here is Australia (and they actually observe that and its a day off school) I figured it would be a good weekend to participate. 

(Sorry for the lack of pictures, they are all making it on Facebook!) 

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